PET Elétrica UFJF


The Tutorial Education Program is a MEC (Brazilian Ministry of Education) project that is aimed at groups of students who demonstrate potential, interest and outstanding skills in undergraduate courses, as long as they obey the rules that the MEC imposes.

PET seeks to provide students, under the guidance of a tutor, with opportunities to carry out extra-curricular activities that favor their academic training, both for integration into the professional market and for the development of studies in postgraduate programs. The extra-curricular activities that make up the Program aim to guarantee the student’s global education, seeking to fulfill the needs of the undergraduate course itself and/or to broaden and deepen the objectives and contents that make up its curriculum. In this sense, it is expected to provide an improvement in the academic quality of undergraduate courses supported by PET. The Tutorial Education Program is, therefore, a modality of academic investment in undergraduate courses that have serious epistemological, pedagogical, ethical and social commitments.

With a conception based on the molds of tutorial learning groups and guided by the objective of globally educating the student, PET is not limited to providing the scholarship holder with a new and diverse range of academic knowledge, and does not exempt itself from the responsibility of contributing to the student’s better qualification as a person and as a member of society.

PET Elétrica completed 30 years of existence in 2021, and it all started with Francisco Gomes, aka Chico, who founded the program at the Faculty of Engineering at UFJF. Currently, our tutor is Professor Danilo Pinto, and the group has 18 official members, including 12 scholarship holders and 6 official volunteers. But to participate in PET activities, it is not necessary to be an official member, just show interest and start helping with projects, teaching and learning!